Barrel Oil Corp (Barrel Oil) is committed to protecting the environment by minimizing the negative impact we may create through identifying sensitive areas, responsible storage, use, and disposal of chemicals, spill containment, waste reduction, and responsible reporting in accordance with applicable legislation. Barrel Oil is also committed to conducting all of our activities in accordance with the environmental regulations that govern our industry.

Barrel Oil will:

  • Ensure that all environmental hazards are identified, assessed and managed throughout our operations.
  • Endeavour to prevent environmental incidents, control emissions and waste, and design, operate and maintain equipment and facilities to this end.
  • Integrate reasonable environmental considerations in business planning, facilities design, operating practices and training programs.
  • Respond quickly and effectively to incidents resulting from operations, cooperating at all times with the industry organizations and authorized government agencies.
  • Encourage all workers, prime contractors, supervisors, contractors, suppliers, self‐employed persons, temporary staffing agencies, visitors, and the public (our stakeholders) to increase their awareness of environmental issues and take responsibility for environmental protection on their end.

Barrel Oil will show its commitment to waste management by incorporating reduction, re‐use, recycling, and recovery into daily workplace practices, through the following:

  • Using bulk purchasing when possible to reduce the amount of excess packaging.
  • Ensuring equipment is properly maintained to help reduce exhaust emissions.
  • Storing and re‐using, or redistributing building materials, when possible.
  • Recycling used oil, scrap metal, lumber, cardboard, plastics, paper, etc.
  • Purchasing products that are less hazardous or contain recycled materials, such as recycled paper, envelopes, and other items.
  • Reclaiming materials and/or energy from the waste stream, including composting.

In order to keep this Policy current, it will be reviewed annually.

Josh GrobermanPresident
Bill AndrewChairman